Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Kansas Association of School Boards 1420 SW Arrowhead Rd., Topeka, KS 66604
An Overview of Current Infections and Infectious Diseases in Long-Term Care Settings, Treatment and Prevention Presented by Dr. James Rider, D.O. C.M.D
The Health Care Provider Insurance Availability Act, House Bill 2516 (L.. 2014, Ch. 56) Presented by Charles (Chip) Wheelen, Executive Director, HCSF Board of Governors and Jennifer Sourk, J.D., In-House Corporate Counsel Midwest Health, Inc.
Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Planning and Implementation in the Health Care Sector Presented by Michael McNulty, Kansas Director of Homeland Security Operations Preparedness Program, KDHE
¨ Discuss the prevalence of infectious health-related problems in long-term care environments and provide strategies for prevention and treatment.
¨ Provide an overview of House Bill 2516 including frequently asked questions about the new Health Care Provider Insurance Availability Act.
¨ Explain the ramifications of the Health Care Provider Insurance Act from the point of view of the provider.
¨ Review the requirements for emergency preparedness planning and implantation for long-term care facilities in Kansas.
This Symposium will generate 6.5 CEUs (5.5 in the Administration area and 1.0 in the Resident Care area). Certificates of attendance will be awarded for Nursing and other Professions.
9:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. DR. JAMES RIDER, D.O., C.M.D., Valley Falls, KS will give An Overview of Current Infections and Infectious Diseases in Long-Term Care Settings, Treatment and Prevention. Fall is the time of year that signals the beginning of serious infectious health-related problems in the long-term care environment. Dr. Rider, in his role of C.M.D. of facilities in northeast Kansas, will discuss what he has seen so far in terms of infectious diseases and what staff needs to be on the “look out for” in the coming winter months. Preventive and treatment strategies will be covered in this session.
10:15 A.M. - 11:15 A.M. CHARLES (CHIP) WHEELEN, Executive Director, HCSF Board of Governors will discuss how House Bill 2516 will affect three categories of adult care homes beginning January 1, 2015. He will provide an Overview of the Health Care Provider Insurance Availability Act. Mr. Wheelen will include in his presentation a listing of “frequently asked questions” regarding the Act.
11:15 A.M. - 11:45 A.M. JENNIFER SOURK, J.D., In-House Corporate Counsel, Midwest Health, Inc. will discuss the Implementation of the Health Care Provider Insurance Availability Act from the point of view of the provider in long-term care. Ms. Sourk’s presentation will complement Mr. Wheelen’s presentation by providing a perspective from the individual facility in implementing and managing the new law.
11:45 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. LUNCH BREAK (on your own)
1:00 P.M.- 4:00 P.M. MICHAEL MCNULTY, Director of Homeland Security Operations Preparedness Program for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, will review the General Processes of Emergency Preparedness Planning As It Relates to Health and Medical Sector Facilities. Mr. McNulty will explain the proposed emergency preparedness requirement rules for long-term care facilities. Topics included in his presentation will be: basics of emergency preparedness, resources, tools, and additional information to aid facilities in their emergency preparedness efforts. Mr. McNulty also will discuss the relevant F-Tags in the survey process related to the emergency preparedness area.
Please register by Friday, November 14. You can register online at www.kaceks.org. or fax your registration to 785/273-8681 or mail your registration to KACE at 1505 SW Fairlawn Road, Suite B, Topeka, KS 66604.
Fall Education Flyer.pdf