KACE 43rd Annual
August 18-21, 2015
Vendor Show August 19 & 20
Marriott Hotel
9100 Corporate Hills Rd.
Wichita, KS 67207
Dear Valued Vendor,
We would like to extend an invitation to you and your company/organization to be part of our 43rd Annual Convention. KACE values our vendors. We know it is the Vendors who help to make our Convention a success. We could not do it without you. Thank you in advance for being a part of our 43rd Annual Convention. Our theme this year is "Amp Up Your Game - Crank It Up With KACE".
KACE is stressing Convention Sponsorships this year. We hope your company/organization will consider being a sponsor in whatever way you can. We greatly appreciate your help in this area. Sponsorships will be recognized in the program booklet and at the Convention.
-David Haase, 2015 Convention Chairperson
For more details on the Convention or don't want to sign-up online click here: 2015 Vendor information packet.pdf
To register for golf click here: KACE Annual Golf Tournament
Hotel Information
The Wichita Marriott is a beautiful facility, which is very well suited to the needs of our Convention attendees and vendors.
Booth Information
The cost of a booth is $800 for an 8-foot booth. One Vendor Company per booth.
Included in the price:
One skirted booth with divider
- Company sign with booth number
- Two tickets for the August 20 Vendor luncheon
- Quality Vendor time with no other Convention activities scheduled
- Social time with Convention attendees
Reservation for Booth Space Deadline is
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
KACE room rate is $99 + tax. You must tell them you are with the KACE Convention to get the special rate. Cut-off date for the special rate is Monday, August 3, 2015. After this date, the special rates will depend on hotel room availability. You can contact them at 316-651-0333
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Hidden Lakes Golf Course
6020 Greenwich Rd.
Derby, KS 67037
Registration & BBQ Lunch at 11:00; Shot Gun Start at 12:00
A shuttle will be available at the Marriott starting at 10:00
Fee is $95 per golfer
Golf Sponsorship Opportunities:
Drink Cart Sponsorship, Lunch Sponsorship, Hole Sponsorship