10:00-10:50 AM: KEYNOTE SPEAKER It's Time for a Change: Redesign and Reimagine Long Term Care for the Future Lisa Thompson, Pathway Health (1 Admin CEU)
2:00-3:40 PM: COVID-19 One Community's Quest Carol Feaker, Midwest Health (2 Res Care CEUs)
Thursday, August 20:
10:00-10:50 AM: KACE Annual Meeting KACE Board
2:00-3:40 PM: Rising to the Call of Leadership Karen Sturchio, CEO Kansas Christian Home (2 Admin CEUs)
6:30-8:30 PM: Virtual Happy Hour via Zoom
* The Zoom link will be available on the education event's home page on August 18th
Friday, August 21:
10:00-11:20 AM: COVID-19 Preparing for and Responding to an Outbreak Shelly Mafia, Proactive Medical Review (1.5 Admin CEUs)
2:00-3:40 PM: Resilience to thrive through, rather than merely survive, challenging times Carla Cheatham, Carla Cheatham Consulting Group, LLC (2 Admin CEUs)
Infection Prevention during & post COVID-19 times Brenda Davis, Kansas Foundation for Medical Care (2 Res Care CEUs)
COVID-19 in Nursing Facilities – Better Together Dr. Jessica Kalender-Rich KU Medical Center (1 Admin CEU)
Dementia Support in the World of COVID Michelle Niedens, KU Alzheimer’s Disease Center (1 Admin CEUs)
COVID-19 Preparing for and Responding to an Outbreak Shelly Mafia, Proactive Medical Review (1.5 Admin CEUs) - LIVE EVENT (see above)
Psychosocial Care in Nursing Homes During a Pandemic: A Social Work Perspective Robyn Lacy Social Work p.r.n. (.5 Admin CEUs)
COVID-19 Additional Costs and Special Revenues & PDPM Evaluating/Implementing PDPM-based case mix system for Medicaid Dave Halferty, Myers & Stauffer (1 Admin CEU)
Assisted Living:
Individual Service Plans- The Key to Delivering Patient Centered Care in Assisted Living Barb Barber, Pathway Health (1 Res Care CEU)
COVID-19 One Community's Quest Carol Feaker, Midwest Health (2 Res Care CEUs) - LIVE EVENT (see above)
Leadership & Self-care:
KEYNOTE SPEAKER It's Time for a Change: Redesign and Reimagine Long Term Care for the future Lisa Thompson, Pathway Health (1 Admin CEU) - Live Event (see above)
Calm Through the Storm - Coping Well Through a Pandemic Sally King, Sally King Consulting (1 Admin CEU)
The Stress of Leadership and Practical Strategies for Stress Management Jenny Lamb, Washburn University Social Work Department (1.5 Admin CEU)
Leadership Communication Natan Alexander, Living Leadership (1 Admin CEUs)
Rising to the Call of Leadership Karen Sturchio, CEO Kansas Christian Home (2 Admin CEUs) - LIVE EVENT (see above)
Resilience to thrive through, rather than merely survive, challenging times Carla Cheatham, Carla Cheatham Consulting Group, LLC (2 Admin CEUs) - LIVE EVENT (see above)
Industry Education:
Medical Review Risks Amie Martin & Stacy Baker, Proactive Medical Review (1.5 Admin CEUs)
Reducing Readmissions- Clinical Strategies for Operational Success Lisa Thompson, Pathway Health (1 Adm CEU)
Unique Challenges of the Healthcare Workforce: New Strategies for New Demands
Lisa Thompson, Pathway Healthcare (1 Admin CEU)
Managing Diabetes in Long Term Care Amy Siple, Amy Siple Nurse Practitioner, Educator, & Speaker (1 Res Care CEUs)
Medicaid Rate Setting 101 Trescia Power, KDADS and Dave Halferty, Myers & Stauffer (0.5 Admin CEU)
Regulated Medical Waste- Basics Rose & David Kreller, Medi-Waste (1 Admin CEU)
State of the Long-Term Care Industry in 2020 Laura Howard, KDADS Secretary (0.5 Admin CEU)
Understanding and Managing Pain Amy Siple, Amy Siple Nurse Practitioner, Educator, & Speaker (1 Res Care CEU)
Reporting Requirements for Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation Melissa St. John KACE Resource Services (1 Admin CEU)