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 Kansas Adult Care Executives

2021 KACE Convention Virtual Only Registration

  • 18 Aug 2021
  • 8:00 AM
  • 20 Aug 2021
  • 12:00 PM
  • Virtual via Zoom


  • Attendees who sign up for the KACE Convention Virtual Only Option will not attend the conference in-person. Attendees will receive a link that will stream the live conference beginning on Wednesday, August 18th. Pease note only the NF breakout sessions will be offered virtually for this registration, and attendees will not be eligible for elective credits from the vendor show. All attendees will receive a copy of the conference recording after the conference has concluded.
  • Attendees who sign up for the KACE Convention Virtual Only Registration will not attend the conference in-person. Attendees will receive a link that will stream the live conference beginning on Wednesday, August 18th. Pease note only the NF breakout sessions will be offered virtually for this registration, and attendees will not be eligible for elective credits from the vendor show.

Registration is closed

August 17-20, 2021

Virtual Only Registration 

Please Note: 

Attendees who sign up for the KACE Convention Virtual Only Registration will not attend the conference in-person. Attendees will receive a live stream of the conference beginning on Wednesday, August 18th. Pease note only the NF breakout sessions will be offered virtually for this registration, and attendees will not be eligible for elective credits from the vendor show. KACE will provide a recording of the event one week after the event has concluded.  

Get Back in the Game with KACE  

 Conference Schedule:

Tuesday, August 17

Optional Pre-Convention Session at Wichita Marriott,

9100 Corporate Hills Dr, Wichita, KS 67207

1:00 - 1:50 pm - Medicaid Reimbursement 101 Trescia Power and Chris Lewis, KDADS, 1.0 Admin CEs  

2:00 - 2:50 pm - Current Medicaid Reimbursement Updates/Issues Dave Halferty, Myers & Stauffer, 1.0 Admin CEs  

3:00 - 4:20 pm - PEAK 2.0 Myth Busters Laci Corneilson, PEAK, 1.5 Res Care CEs 

To sign-up for the Pre-Convention Session: 2021 Pre-Session Virtual Registration

Wednesday, August 18 at Wichita Marriott

8:45-9:00 am - Convention Kick-Off & Introductions - KACE Board and Staff 

9:00-9:50 am -  Keynote Presentation - Finding Balance Presented by Arthur Fratelli1.0 Admin CEs

10:00-10:50 am - Key Organization Relationship - The DON & Administrator, Lisa Thomson Pathway 1.0 Admin CEs

11:00-11:50 am - Social Reintegration Anxiety in Residents Belinda Vierthaler 1.0 Resident Care CEs

Nursing Faclity Sessions

[NF-Nursing Facilities]

3:00-3:50 pm

Get Paid for the Care you Provide, Lisa Thomson, Pathway, 1.0 Admin CEs 

4:00-4:50 pm 

2021 MDS Updates, Lori Mouak, KDADS 1.0 Admin CEs 

5:00-5:50 pm 

Where do we go from here? The QI Journey into Reliability, Brenda Groves, KFMC 1.0 Admin CEs 

Thursday, August 19 at Wichita Marriott

8:00-8:50 am - If the Administrator isn't Happy, Ain't nobody happy (Setting Healthy boundaries so that you don't want to quit every other day), Haely Ordoyne, 1.0 Admin CEs

9:00 - 9:50 am - Antipsychotic Stewardship, Amy Siple, 1 Resident Care CEs, 

10:00 - 10:30 am - KACE Annual Meeting

10:30 - 10:50 am - KACE Tanner Foster Annual Meeting 

1:50 - 3:10 pm -  Psychological Safety: Building a Strong and Engaged Workforce, Brenda Groves, KFMC 1.5 Admin CEs

3:20 - 4:40 pm -  Department of Homeland Security Physical Security/Cybersecurity Assessments & Preparedness Plans, Chuck Clanahan 1.5 Admin CEs

Friday, August 20 Wichita Marriott

8:00- 9:20 am - Let's Get Real About Wounds: An Honest Discussion About Healing, Maintenance, and Palliative Goals Wound Care, Martha Kelso, Wound Care Plus 1.5 Resident Care CEs 

9:30- 10:20 am - It’s About Time to Open the Bottom of the Sales Funnel, Reed Davis SHERPA, 1.0 Admin CEs 

10:30-11:20 am - KDADS, COVID, & 2022 Scott Bruner & Lacey Hunter 1.0 Admin CEs

11:30- 12:20 pm Get It All Done – Work/life Balance, Mea Austin, 1.0 Admin CEs

12:20 pm Convention Closing remarks, KACE Board & Staff 

Continuing Education Credit 

CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT: A total of 19 continuing education clock hours are approved for this event and the optional pre-convention session for adult care home administrators and registered operators by the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (LTS# A1427). This includes 14 hours in the core area of Administration, and 5.0 hours in the core area of Resident Care. 

Link to the Pre-Convention Session: 2021 Pre-Session

2021 Virtual KACE Convention CEU form .doc

2021 Virtual KACE Convention Evaluation .docx

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Topeka, KS 66604
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