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 Kansas Adult Care Executives

2023 KACE Virtual Convention Registration

  • 23 Aug 2023
  • 8:00 AM
  • 25 Aug 2023
  • 1:00 PM
  • Virtual via Zoom


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KACE 51st 
ANNUAL Virtual CONVENTION - August 23-25

Virtual Event Registration 

Please Note: 

Attendees who sign up for the KACE Convention Virtual Only Registration will not attend the conference in-person. Attendees will receive a live stream of the conference that will begin on Wednesday, August 23rd. Pease note attendees will not be eligible for elective credits from the vendor show. KACE will provide a recording of the event one week after the event has concluded.  

Adult Care Executives 

Leading the Transformation of Long-Term Care 

Tuesday, August 22

1:00 - 4:30 pm  Person Centered Care Isn't Just for Residents, Presented by Laci Cornelison, Interim Director for the Center on Aging, 3.5 CE Hours 

Register for the Virtual Pre-Convention Session Here 

Wednesday, August 23rd

8:45-9:00 am - Convention Kick-Off & Introductions - KACE Board and Staff 

9:00-9:50 am - Keynote Presentation - Workplace Resilience through the Power of FriendshipPresented by Amy Siple1.0 Admin CEs

10:00-10:50 am - Consultant Pharmacists – Beyond the Monthly Drug Regimen Review, Presented by Cassie Anchorski, SeniorRx Care - 1.0 Admin CEs

11:00-11:50 am - Wheelchair Seating and Positioning Techniques to Promote Engagement in Long-Term Care, Presented by Brenda Mahon, Broda - 1.0 Resident Care CEs

3:00-4:20 Medicaid Reimbursement Transition to PDPM, Effective July 1, 2024, Presented by Dave Halferty, Myers & Stauffer -1.5 Admin CEs 

4:30-5:50 pm - Meeting Them Where They ArePresented by Karel Page - 1.5 Res Care CEs 

Thursday, August 24th

8:00-8:50 am - From High Conflict to Constructive Conflict – Turning Conflict into Constructive Behavior, Presented by Molly Mackey - 1.0 Admin CEs

9:00-9:50 am - Advanced Directives, Planning Ahead Based on Resident Wishes,  Presented by Jennifer Sourk, Midwest Health 1.0 Admin CEs

10:00-10:50 am - The 3 R's of Trauma Informed Care; Recognition, Relation and Regulation, Presented by Haely Ordoyne, Genesis, 1.0 Resident Care CE

2:00-3:20 pm - Active Shooter, Preparedness and Response, Presented by Chuck Clanahan, US Department of Homeland Security - 1.5 Admin CEs 

3:30-4:50 pm - HIPAA Security Risk Analysis and Business Continuity, Presented by Scott Gima, Management Performance Associates - 1.5 Admin CEs

Friday, August 25th

8:00- 8:50 am How to Create Your 30-Day Social Media Calendar with the Help of AI, Presented by Burton Kelso -1.0 Admin CEs 

9:00- 9:50 am -  Breaking Biases with Wounds: Balancing Racial Disparities in Vulnerable Populations, Martha Kelso, WoundCare Plus - 1.0 Res Care CEs 

10:00-11:20 am - Emotional Intelligence (EI) Impact – for LeadersPresented by Molly, Mackey, 1.5 Admin Care CEs 

11:20 - Closing Remarks, KACE Board & Staff 

Continuing Education Credit 

CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT: A total of 19 continuing education clock hours are approved for this event and the optional pre-convention session for adult care home administrators and registered operators by the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (LTS# A1427). This includes 14.5 hours in the core area of Administration, and 4.5 hours in the core area of Resident Care. CEU forms must be submitted within 30 days of close of the event (September 25th). The Convention schedule is subject to change. 

Midland Care Connection, Inc. is approved as  a provider of CNE by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. This course offering is approved for 19 contact hours applicable for APRN, RN, or LPN re-licensureKansas State Board of Nursing provider number: LT0211-0572.

Link to the Pre-Convention Session: 2023 Pre-Session Link

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Kansas Adult Care Executives
1505 SW Fairlawn RD.
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Topeka, KS 66604
P 785-273-4393
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