Conference provided through partnership between the KSU Center on Aging and KDADS (Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services)
KACE will provide CEs for those who select the Continuing Education Credit Registration type.
Those who don't need continuing education credits should select the Lecture Only Registration type.
October 17, 2023, 9:00 AM
Kansas State University Student Union Grand Ballroom
918 N M.L.K. Jr. Drive
Manhattan, KS 66506
Spots are limited…make your reservations soon!
Registration & Light Breakfast: 8:00 – 9:00
9:00 - 9:50: Opening Session: An Empathy Workout & PEAK Award Ceremony (1 Admin CE)
Speaker: Renee Porter, LAHCA, Dooley Center
Empathy is one of the most powerful tools to connect with people and develop relationships, a cornerstone of person-centered care. We have developed an empathy “workout” to give you a glimpse into a world where the brain has no control of what it remembers and what slips away. This is a glimpse into the experience of the process that residents living with dementia go through when they so badly want to remember but just don’t have the ability to do so. It will help you develop a deeper connection to the older adults you serve.
Morning Breakout Sessions: 10:00-10:50 & 11:00-11:50
Each breakout session is designed for anyone (or team) working on person-centered care (PCC) and interested in improving life for elders in your home. The sessions include practical applications that will help you provide person-centered care. Sessions will be engaging, interactive, and include best practices. Long-term care staff from across the organization, CNAs, nurses, housekeepers, dietary staff, and leadership, will gain practical insights on the PCC topics you care about most.
Attendees will be eligible to attend 2 morning breakout sessions.
PEAK Back to Basics (1 Admin CE)
Speaker: Jackie Sump, LBSW, PEAK Consultant
Are you, personally, new to the PEAK program? Want to learn more about it and how to best navigate it? This is the session for you. Learn how to navigate the website, access key resources, what to expect in the evaluation process, and more. This will be an interactive session with the opportunity for Q & A.
Home 101: Focusing on the Basics to “Feel at Home” (1 Admin CE)
Speakers: Migette Kaup, Ph.D., Interior Design Professor at KSU & PEAK Program Leader
What does it mean to “feel at home”? lt is a combination of features and attributes of a place that allow us to control our surroundings and interact with people we love and care about in the manner that we’d like. If the environment creates ‘barriers’ then we have difficulty in managing our activities, but what if there were simple things that you could do to increase the feeling of home for your residents? This session will take us back to the basics of homelike patterns and behaviors that we commonly associate with our residential settings. Participants will receive tools for developing “action plans” that could be used in their own nursing homes to enhance meaning, place attachment, and autonomy for their residents. Specific topics will include supporting relationships through social space layouts, enhancing self-care and mobility, personalization to create a sense of place, and how to engage residents in the creation of a home. The presenter will share examples and case studies.
Coaching and Mentoring & Accountability (1 Admin CE)
Speaker: Laci Cornelison, MS, LACHA, Interim Director KSU Center on Aging & PEAK Coordinator
In the single toughest workforce climate of all times, your employees and coworkers at all levels are in demand, leaving no reason for them to stay with you if they are unhappy, unvalued or think their potential is being wasted. Growing, valuing, and building relationships with team members is essential to the survival of your organization AND to providing person-centered care to the residents you serve. Gain coaching and mentoring skills that can be used by all team members serving at any level of the organization.
Engaging and Raising the Residents’ Voice (1 Admin CE)
Speaker: Camille Russell, State Long-Term Care Ombudsman
This interactive session will introduce important TO/ important FOR, the core skill of person-centered practices. Finding and supporting balance between what matters to the person (“important TO”) and the things that help the person be safe and healthy in a way that works for them (“important FOR”) is foundational. This skill is essential in recognizing the person as the expert in his/her life, and learning to use this skill engages the person to be in control of his/her life with necessary support and resources.
12:00-12:50: Taco Bar Lunch Provided!
Vendor booths available to visit with during lunch hour
Afternoon Breakout Sessions: 1:00-1:50 & 2:00-2:50
Each breakout session is designed for anyone (or team) working on person-centered care (PCC) and interested in improving life for elders in your home. The sessions include practical applications that will help you provide person-centered care. Sessions will be engaging, interactive, and include best practices. Long-term care staff from across the organization, CNAs, nurses, housekeepers, dietary staff, and leadership, will gain practical insights on the PCC topics you care about most.
Attendees will be eligible to attend 2 afternoon breakout sessions.
Conflict Resolution (1 Res Care CE)
Speakers:Belinda Vierthaler, LMSW, LACHA, Director of GERTI
In any organization, there are times when conflicts arise. It is crucial to provide ongoing education to all staff on how to effectively resolve conflict. Conflict resolution training can benefit every individual – both at home and on the job. This presentation would be helpful for staff working in any facet of senior living.
Making the Kitchen the Heart of the Home (1 Admin CE)
Speaker: Heather Callahan MS, RD, LNHA, Chief Operating Officer at Action Pact
We will explore how current systems in nursing homes impact overall health and well-being of the residents. Through this discussion, we will identify avenues to strategically move food production closer to the residents that we serve each day. You will walk away with the tools to take back to your community to start the process of change.
Investing in Employees: Career Growth (1 Admin CE)
Speakers: Laci Cornelison, MS, LAHCA, Interim Director KSU Center on Aging & PEAK Coordinator
Are you looking to improve your teams’ motivation and productivity? Supporting and developing career growth opportunities in your organization is a proven method for enhancing productivity and motivation and has the bonus of making people feel valued and respected. This session looks at two different types of career development strategies and ways in which several homes have implemented them successfully.
Aging Simulation (1 Res Care CE)
Speakers: Katie Larson, Center on Aging Gerontology Instructor and Advisor
Stretch your empathy muscle in this session by personally experiencing simple day-to-day tasks with physical changes more common with advancing age and chronic illness. You will experience challenges associated with reduced lung capacity, eye conditions like glaucoma or macular degeneration, arthritis, tinnitus, symptoms of stroke, and limited mobility while doing simple tasks.
2:50 - 3:00 - Break: Call Hall Ice Cream
3:00- 3:50: Closing Session: Keep your Eyes on the Prize & Resident Videos & Conference Awards - (1 Admin CE)
Speaker: Matt Loyd, Chief Operating Officer at St. John’s on the Lake & Culture Change Pioneer
The closing session will feature guest speaker, Matt Loyd, who will engage the audience in a powerful teamwork and leadership activity. Using interactive methods, you will gain insight into your most important priorities and inspiration as a caregiver and leader.
Continuing Education Credit:
CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT: A total of 6 continuing education clock hours are approved for this event for adult care home administrators and registered operators by the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (LTS# A1427). This includes 5 (possibly up to 6 - depending on the breakouts selected) hours in the core area of Administration, and 1 (possibly 0 - depending on the breakouts selected) hours in the core area of Resident Care.
Hutchinson Community College is approved as a provider of continuing education by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. This course offering is approved for 6 contact hours applicable for RN or LPN re-licensure. Kansas State Board of Nursing provider number LT0101-0527.
**Refunds will not be given for this event, but substitutions are welcome.
$85 CEU registration
$30 lecture only registration