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 Kansas Adult Care Executives

KACE Convention Pre-Session New Administrators

  • 20 Aug 2013
  • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Marriott Hotel, Wichita, KS


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Education Pre-Session
(2.0 CEUs in Administrative)

3:00 - 5:00 New Administrators Educational Pre-Session KDADS Reports and Financial Information 101 - Dave Halferty, CFO, KDADS
DAVE HALFERTY, Chief Financial Officer, KDADS and his team will conduct a special session for “NEW” Administrators on financial management and issues dealing with KDADS practices and procedures.  KDADS Reports and Financial Information 101/New Administrator Refresher Seminar. KDADS staff will walk through the basics of calculating nursing facility reimbursement rates including: rate setting parameters, cost center limits, case mix adjustments, the real and personal property fee, incentive factors, and pass-through per diem. This will not only give participants an opportunity to gain an understanding of the reimbursement methodology; but it also will allow for discussion of the rationale for that methodology. 

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Kansas Adult Care Executives
1505 SW Fairlawn RD.
Suite B
Topeka, KS 66604
P 785-273-4393
F 785-273-8681
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