Kansas Adult Care Executives Association
Fall Education Day
November 5, 2013 (Fort Dodge)
November 14, 2013 (Derby)
November 19, 2013 (Topeka)
Please join KACE for our Fall Education Day! This year we are offering an opportunity to earn 6.5 CEs.
3.5 CEs will be in Resident Care. Karen Jameson has a wealth of experience in writing Care Plans and will have some tips for us on how to write a GOOD Care Plan. Her experience as a Director of Nursing in a variety of different settings, as a State Long-Term Care Surveyor, and an MDS Coordinator will give us some valuable tools we can take back and use in our facilities.
3.0 CEs will be in Administration. Suzi Lenker has spent the last 20 years training and explaining Medicare to Beneficiaries, Caregivers, Providers, the Public, anyone who had a question about how Medicare is supposed to work [and sometimes why it doesn’t work]. Her experience as the Education & Outreach Coordinator for the SHICK Program and a Consumer Assistance Representative for the Kansas Insurance Department give her special knowledge about these insurances and what the consumer and provider needs to understand to use these insurance products to their best advantage.
November 5, 2013
Kansas Soldiers Home
Eisenhower Hall Auditorium
101 Pershing
Fort Dodge, KS 67843
November 14, 2013
Derby Public Library
Community Room
1600 E. Walnut Grove
Derby, KS 67037
November 19, 2013
Kansas Association of
School Boards
Conference Room
1420 SW Arrowhead
Topeka, KS 66604
8:00 am Check-In, Coffee, Conversation
9:00 am How to Write a GOOD Care Plan
Karen Jameson, RN, RAC-CT
12:00 pm Lunch on Your Own
1:15 pm Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage: Pros & ConsundefinedHow does each work in Skilled Nursing?
How does the Affordable Care Act affect people with Medicare?
Suzi Lenker, Executive Director, KACE
4:00 pm Adjourn