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 Kansas Adult Care Executives

Requirements of Participation Interactive In-Person Workshop

  • 18 Oct 2022
  • 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
  • The Distillery 244 N Mosley St, Wichita, KS 67202
  • 106


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Requirements of Participation Updates Interactive Workshop 

The Distillery

244 N. Mosley St.

Wichita, KS 67202

This interactive workshop will walk attendees through the clarifications and updated guidance outlined in Appendix PP (Requirements of Participation, RoP) effective October 24, 2022. Participants will have the opportunity to review their current practices and policies, identify changes necessary to align with the new guidance. Learning how to operationalize the changes is key. Resources and tools will also be provided to all attendees to assist in the implementation of the changes. 


8:00-8:30 AM Registration

8:30 AM-11:30 AM Morning session presented by Susan Rolfes, Pathway Health 3.0 Admin CEUs

11:30 AM-1:00 PM Lunch on your own

1:00-4:00 PM Afternoon session presented by Susan Rolfes, Pathway Health 3.0 Admin CEUs

4-4:30 PM Impact of the Updated RoP on the Survey Process and Complaints presented by Dawne Altis, KDADS 0.5 Admin CEUs

Upon completion of the workshop, attendees will: 

  • Describe the overall changes of the updated Requirements of Participation guidance            effective October 24, 2022
  • Explore specific updates needed to facility policies, processes and education to align with the revised/updated guidance
  • Review key updated survey tasks related to the revised Requirements of Participation 
  • Summarize key leadership implementation strategies and resources for operational               success 
  • Describe how the survey related changes for the updated RoPs will impact adult care homes in Kansas


A total of 6.5 continuing education clock hours are approved for this event for adult care home administrators and registered operators by the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (LTS# A1427). This includes 6.5 hours in the core area of Administration. 

The Nursing Connection is approved as a provider of continuing nursing education by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. This course offering is approved for 6.5 contact hours applicable for APRN, RN or LPN re-licensure. Kansas State Board of Nursing Provider Number: LT0304-0620. 

The Conference schedule is subject to change. 

Click here to register for the event.

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Kansas Adult Care Executives
1505 SW Fairlawn RD.
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Topeka, KS 66604
P 785-273-4393
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